Posted in Tutorials on Nov 06, 2016
Money is the source of all evil as they say, and it's no wonder the internet is rife with corruption and scams. Criminals, which are often tech-savvy people, invent ways to rob people of everything they've worked hard for. The way we are using internet based applications these days makes us highly vulnerable to online scams. We need to be more alert, cautious, and smart with our browsing habits as these malicious internet organisations are constantly evolving and changing how they deliver scam content to us. Luckily there are some common obvious signs that can be used to determine if something... Read More
Posted in Tutorials on Oct 25, 2016
Feeling frustrated with the speed of your computer? Perhaps you're thinking of tossing it out and spending money on a new one? Wait! Read this before you do so, it may just save you some dosh. Windows may slow down over time due to various reasons. It may also happen that some of the functions do not execute properly or take more than the usual time during the execution. These types of issues are common, and mostly occur when your computer has become slow. In most of the cases, a restart may fix many issues; for example, an issue with your internet browser not opening may be fixed just by the... Read More
Posted in Tutorials on Oct 14, 2016
The inevitable crash will hit when you least expect it, and when it happens it you should be prepared. If not for yourself, do it for anyone who comes to help fix your computer, like Techaroo :) It's extremely helpful that Windows provides a few different backup options built in, File History and System Image Backups. In a previous article, we covered File History and how to backup your files and folders with revisions. In this article, we will guide you through a step by step walk-through on how to backup your entire system. The different between the two is File History creates revisions of e... Read More
Posted in Tutorials on Oct 09, 2016
Trust us when we say Ransomware will make you shed a tear. Honestly, It is that bad. Spare a few minutes and follow these simple steps to save you time and money. Ransomware is, in our opinion, the worse of the breed. This malicious software, also known as "malware", has for many years wreaked havoc on personal and business computers throughout the world, and unfortunately has become a part of everyday cyber attacks. While ransomware is delivered in many forms, the main infection causes are primarily through innocent looking email attachments and websites. The software installs itself after... Read More
Posted in Tutorials on Oct 06, 2016
You're obviously here because you care about your data. We also care about your data, so we wrote this to guide as step by step instructions on how to setup your backup schedule in Windows. Included in your copy of Windows 10 is a very easy to use applications for setting up scheduled backups. Although there are two types of backup programs that come built into Windows, we will cover File History first. As you're not limited to using one or the other, we strongly suggest you use both to safeguard yourself. If you're ready to begin, grab a cup of tea and let's get to work. Items you will need:... Read More